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Prehospital Evidence Based Practice   
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The Prehospital Evidence Based Practice Program database is dynamic, constantly changing as new citations are added, articles appraised and recommendations for interventions adjusted, based on the evidence.
Click on any of the three links to see the latest:
  • Recommendation Changes - this is where you can view the latest changes to recommendation levels for prehospital clinical interventions. These decisions are made by our Appraiser panel, upon review of the appraised evidence;
  • New Interventions Added - the database continues to expand, and we seek to have all interventions conducted by paramedics and other prehospital professionals represented in the database. As a result, new interventions are added to the database;
  • Papers Currently Under Review - check out the papers our Appraisers are currently reviewing. When a paper is appraised, it is removed from this list, and is found within the database (click on Table of Contents).