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White LD., Melhuish TM., White LK., Wallace LA. Apnoeic oxygenation during intubation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Anaesth Intensive Care 2017; 45(1):21-27.
Morioka D, Sagisaka R, Nakagawa K, Takahashi H, Tanaka H. Effect of timing of advanced life support on out-of-hospital cardiac arrests at home in Japan. Am J Emerg Med May 2024; 82:94-100.
Dunne CL, Cirone J, Blanchard IE, et al. Evaluation of basic life support interventions for foreign body airway obstructions: A population-based cohort study. Resuscitation May 2024; 110258.
Seesink J, van der Wielen W, Dos Reis Miranda D, Moors XJR. Successful prehospital ECMO in drowning resuscitation after prolonged submersion. Resusc Plus June 2024; 19:100685.
Deshpande DV, McKinley WI, Benjamin AJ, Schreiber MA, Rowell SE. The Association Between Tranexamic Acid and Seizures in Moderate or Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. J Surg Res. July 2024; 301:359-64.
Nassal MMJ, Elola A, Aramendi E, et al. Temporal Trends in End-Tidal Capnography and Outcomes in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. July 2024; 7(7):e2419274.
Stuby L, Suppan M, Desmettre T, Carrera E, Genoud M, Suppan L. A Two-Step Approach Using the National Health Institutes of Health Stroke Scale Assessed by Paramedics to Enhance Prehospital Stroke Detection: A Case Report and Concept Proposal. J Clin Med Sept 2024; 13(17).
McArthur R, Cash RE, Rafique Z, et al. Intravenous Acetaminophen Versus Ketorolac for Prehospital Analgesia: A Retrospective Data Review. J Emerg Med Sept 2024; 67(3):e259-67.
Galili SF, Bech BH, Kirkegaard H, Ahrensberg J, Nikolajsen L. Low-dose ketamine as an adjunct to morphine: A randomized controlled trial among patients with and without current opioid use. Acad Emerg Med 2024; 31(10):961-8.
Nguyen T, Mai M, Choudhary A, et al. Comparison of Nebulized Ketamine to Intravenous Subdissociative Dose Ketamine for Treating Acute Painful Conditions in the Emergency Department: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Double-Dummy Controlled Trial. Ann Emerg Med 2024; 84(4):354-62.
Olander A, Frick L, Johansson J, Wibring K. The performance of screening tools and use of blood analyses in prehospital identification of sepsis patients and patients suitable for non-conveyance - an observational study. BMC Emerg Med 2024; 24(1):180.
Nuhoğlu Ç, Solakoğlu GA, Arslan F, Gülsoy ÖF, Döker KO. Can ketamine administration prevent intubation in patients who cannot comply with NIV due to agitation? BMC Emerg Med 2024; 24(1):187.
Rijnhout TWH, Kieft M, Klein WM, Tan ECTH. Effectiveness of intraosseous access during resuscitation: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Emerg Med 2024; 24(1):192.
Liu YK, Chen LF, Huang SW, Hsu SC, et al. Early prehospital mechanical cardiopulmonary resuscitation use for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: an observational study. BMC Emerg Med 2024; 24(1):198.
Ivic-Morén R, Bohm K, Vicente V, Arvidsson E, Castrén M, Kurland L. Serious conditions among conveyed and non-conveyed patients presenting with nonspecific chief complaints to the ambulance service. BMC Emerg Med 2024; 24(1):199.
Moxham RN, d'Entremont MA, Mir H, Schwalm JD, Natarajan MK, Jolly SS. Effect of Prehospital Digital Electrocardiogram Transmission on Revascularization Delays and Mortality in ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. CJC Open 2024; 6(10):1199-206.
Verma A, Jaiswal S, Reid C, et al. Efficacy of 10%,25% and 50% dextrose in the treatment of hypoglycemia in the emergency department - A randomized controlled study. Am J Emerg Med Aug 2024; 82:101-4.
Verma A, Jaiswal S, Reid C, et al. Efficacy of 10%,25% and 50% dextrose in the treatment of hypoglycemia in the emergency department - A randomized controlled study. Am J Emerg Med Aug 2024; 82:101-4.
Claudi C, Worm A, Schmohl D, et al. FAST4D-A New Score to Reduce Missed Strokes in Emergency Medical Service: A Prospective, Multicentric Observational Proof-of-Concept Trial. J Clin Med Aug 2024; 13(17).
Kelty EA, Murray K, Sanfilippo FM, Preen DB. The safety of methoxyflurane for emergency pain relief in children and adolescents: a retrospective cohort study. Prehosp Emerg Care Aug 2024; 1-13.
Taccone FS, Cariou A, Zorzi S, Friberg H, et al. Hypothermia versus normothermia in patients with cardiac arrest and shockable rhythm: a secondary analysis of the TTM-2 study. Crit Care 2024; 28(1):335.
Zhang K, Zhong C, Lou Y, et al. Video laryngoscopy may improve the intubation outcomes in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Emerg Med J 2024.
Zhang K, Zhong C, Lou Y, et al. Video laryngoscopy may improve the intubation outcomes in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Emerg Med J 2024.
Zhang K, Zhong C, Lou Y, et al. Video laryngoscopy may improve the intubation outcomes in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Emerg Med J 2024.
Yasuda M, Amagasa S, Kashiura M, Yasuda H, Uematsu S. Duration of prehospital and in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation and neurological outcome in paediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Emerg Med J 2024.
Roshdi Dizaji S, Ahmadzadeh K, Zarei H, Miri R, Yousefifard M. Performance of Manchester Acute Coronary Syndromes decision rules in acute coronary syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Emerg Med 2024; 31(5):310-23
Wolthers SA, Breindahl N, Jensen TW, Holgersen MG, et al. Prehospital interventions and outcomes in traumatic cardiac arrest: a population-based cohort study using the Danish Helicopter Emergency Medical Services data. Eur J Emerg Med 2024; 31(5):324-31.
Wolthers SA, Breindahl N, Jensen TW, Holgersen MG, et al. Prehospital interventions and outcomes in traumatic cardiac arrest: a population-based cohort study using the Danish Helicopter Emergency Medical Services data. Eur J Emerg Med 2024; 31(5):324-31.
Wolthers SA, Breindahl N, Jensen TW, Holgersen MG, et al. Prehospital interventions and outcomes in traumatic cardiac arrest: a population-based cohort study using the Danish Helicopter Emergency Medical Services data. Eur J Emerg Med 2024; 31(5):324-31.
Wolthers SA, Breindahl N, Jensen TW, Holgersen MG, et al. Prehospital interventions and outcomes in traumatic cardiac arrest: a population-based cohort study using the Danish Helicopter Emergency Medical Services data. Eur J Emerg Med 2024; 31(5):324-31.
Peeracheir S, Wachirarangsiman K, Martin T. Comparison of Interfacility Transfer of Critically Ill Pediatric Patients by Helicopter Versus Ground Ambulance in a Remote and Rural Domain. Air Med J Sept 2024; 43(5):433-9.
Hyldmo PK, Rehn M, Dahl Friesgaard K, et al. Inhaled analgesics for the treatment of prehospital acute pain-A systematic review. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand Sept 2024; 68(10):1306-18.
Boland LL, Ryan KE, Flynn JM, Fox A, Duren JL. Use of Emergency Mental Health Dispatch Training by a 9-1-1 Medical Dispatcher Assisting a Caller Expressing Suicidal Intent: A Case Report. Prehosp Emerg Care Sept 2024; 1-4.
Helsloot, D., Fitzgerald, M., Lefering, R., Groombridge, C., Becaus, N., Verelst, S., Missant, C., & TraumaRegister DGU (2024). Calcium supplementation during trauma resuscitation: a propensity score-matched analysis from the TraumaRegister DGU®. Critical care (London, England), 28(1), 222.
Bhatti UF, Dawood ZS, Shang Z, Jin G, et al. Testing Neuroprotective Strategies in Prolonged Field Care Model of Traumatic Brain Injury and Hemorrhagic Shock. J Am Coll Surg 2024.
Gambolò L, Di Fronzo P, Ristagno G, Biserni S, et al. The Role of Different Feedback Devices in the Survival of Patients in Cardiac Arrest: Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. J Clin Med 2024; 13(19).
Couper K, Ji C, Deakin CD, Fothergill RT, et al. A Randomized Trial of Drug Route in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. N Engl J Med 2024.
Couper K, Ji C, Deakin CD, Fothergill RT, et al. A Randomized Trial of Drug Route in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. N Engl J Med 2024.
Alsabri M, Hafez AH, Singer E, Elhady MM, Waqar M, Gill P. Efficacy and Safety of Intranasal Fentanyl in Pediatric Emergencies: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Pediatr Emerg Care 2024; 40(10):748-52.
Alsabri M, Hafez AH, Singer E, Elhady MM, Waqar M, Gill P. Efficacy and Safety of Intranasal Fentanyl in Pediatric Emergencies: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Pediatr Emerg Care 2024; 40(10):748-52.
Wells K, Calleo V. Safety and Depth of Sedation With Ketamine Alone Versus Ketamine With Midazolam in Pediatric Fracture Reduction: A Retrospective Chart Review. Pediatr Emerg Care 2024; 40(10):717-21.
Salcido DD, Koller AC, Genbrugge C, Gumucio JA, Menegazzi JJ. Proportional Versus Fixed Chest Compression Depth for Guideline-Compliant Resuscitation of Infant Asphyxial Cardiac Arrest. Prehosp Emerg Care 2024; 1-7.
Hubble MW, Martin MD, Kaplan GR, Houston SE, Taylor SE. The Route to ROSC: Evaluating the Impact of Route and Timing of Epinephrine Administration in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes. Prehosp Emerg Care 2024; 1-9.
Hubble MW, Martin MD, Kaplan GR, Houston SE, Taylor SE. The Route to ROSC: Evaluating the Impact of Route and Timing of Epinephrine Administration in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcomes. Prehosp Emerg Care 2024; 1-9.
Lan, L., Zhou, M., Chen, X., Dai, M., Wang, L., & Li, H. (2024). Prognostic accuracy of SOFA, MEWS, and SIRS criteria in predicting the mortality rate of patients with sepsis: A meta-analysis. Nursing in critical care, 29(6), 1623–1635.
Shandaliy Y, Busey K, Scaturo N. Impact of a calcium replacement protocol during massive transfusion in trauma patients at a level 2 trauma center. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2024 Aug 19;81(Supplement_4):S160-S165. doi: 10.1093/ajhp/zxae099. PMID: 38578328.