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Paramedic Evidence
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Paramedic-Evidence Based Practice Course (P-EBP)
We have developed a course to give paramedics the tools to search for answers to their clinical questions. The P-EBP focuses on developing a succinct PICO question, creating a search strategy in PubMed, and critically appraising the literature they uncover.
The course introduces concepts of research study design, ethics, validity, level of evidence, and briefly touches on bio-stats.
There are two versions of this course available
We teach this course in-person locally or on site at your facility. Prices are typically $60 dollars per student but travel cost and group rates are negotiated case by case.
There is also an online completely self-directed course. This course is started and completed at the pace of each student. The online version is meant to be an introduction to evidence based practice and goes into less detail than the in person course. This course is $40 per student.
The Paramedic EBP Program is funded by:
Emergency Health Services Nova Scotia
The Paramedic EBP Program was funded by:
The Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation
Knowledge Translation/Exchange Award. for further information.