Guidelines Appraisal Project (GAP) for EMS
The objective of this Guidelines Appraisal Project (GAP)is to search for, appraise, and categorize clinical practice
guidelines (CPGs) relevant to prehospital care.
Searching for CPGs
Extensive online searches were conducted to locate CPGs by GAP investigators, following a systematic approach.
Categorization of CPGs
Included CPGs are entered into the PEP database, under the most appropriate clinical presentation. This categorization will allow
for determination of the clinical presentations that have relevant CPGs, and those that do not.
CPG Appraisal
Each included CPG will be graded for quality, using the AGREE II guideline appraisal instrument
These reviews will be conducted by the GAP reviewers.
AGREE II is a validated instrument, which consists of 23 items in six domains:
Scope and purpose
Stakeholder involvement
Rigour of development
Clarity and presentation
Editorial independence
AGREE II User's Manual
The relevance of the CPG to EMS use will be determined by PEP Appraiser, who will give each guideline a ranking:
Strongly Recommend for EMS Use
Recommend for EMS Use, but with Provisos or Alterations
Would Not Recommend for EMS Use
Please click on the links below to learn more about clinical practice guidelines and AGREE II: |