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   Frequently Asked Questions

Are all of my field interventions represented here?We try very hard to list all interventions that are currently, or have been, practiced in a Canadian EMS setting. If there is something you use in your service that is not listed; drop us a line in the “make a suggestion” area.
How can I use PEP as a frontline EMS provider?This site enables you to see exactly what evidence backs the interventions you use in the field or possibly why certain interventions have been revoked over time. PEP indentifies gaps in the knowledge; this gives you possible reasons why some interventions are not yet used. These gaps give you an opportunity to consider that area for a study in your service.
How did you deal with LOE 1 evidence found in an in-hospital study?This was difficult. There are some interventions that do not lend well to studies in the field. However, there may be existing literature for its' use in the hospital environment. This setting is typically more controlled and the intervention is likely preformed by a physician. In some cases, this setting means that we can not generalize to the prehospital setting. In these circumstances, it was agreed upon to trend towards a neutral direction.
How did you decide on the organization of the database and types of interventions?This was based upon reviewing approximately twenty (20) other EMS systems protocols. Although each organization grouped their protocols and interventions slightly differently, there were many similarities. From this review, our protocols were organized according to what we thought made intuitive sense. In addition, we also wanted to maintain consistency with the AHA-ECC cardiac arrest guidelines and the EMS-C Model for pediatric protocols.
How do I get involved?There are several ways. If you have any experience with critical appraisal, you can be considered to join the section editor team. If you have a topic of interest; create a mini-CAT (critically appraised topic) to be included in the Paramedic mini-CAT bank. If you don’t have any experience in these areas….no problem. We have a Paramedic Evidence Based Practice course that gives you the tools needed to become an evidence based practitioner. We host this course regularly in Nova Scotia but are open to traveling for interested groups.
Why is this project important?This project is an is openly accessible repository of appraised evidence that has a potential impact on EMS. This will help minimize the knowledge to action gap.