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Welcome to the
Evidence Based Practice (PEP)


PEP is a collaborative effort of Canadian and international EMS Clinicians
(paramedics, physicians, nurses and other allied health professionals).
PEP is sponsored and managed by the
Dalhousie University Department of Emergency Medicine Division of EMS,
and Emergency Health Services Nova Scotia

To become involved with PEP, email

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How to cite PEP: Prehospital Evidence Based Practice Program (PEP) [Internet]. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Dalhousie University - Division of Emergency Medical Services; [cited todays' date]. Available from:
Disclaimer: As the Prehospital Evidence Based Practice Program is an academic venture, the following applies to all Appraisers who volunteer their time and efforts to contribute to the Program, as well as all those who view this website.
One of the main purposes of the program is to share information with the EMS community. Therefore, the evidence ranking and intervention recommendations, as well as the Emergency Health Services (EHS) clinical presentations, are not to be used for financial gain.